Actually there is no news! The roof still leaks a little, and we cannot hear ourselves think when the heavens open, we overheat if the outside temperature reaches above 22 degrees centigrade and gloves are a necessity not a fashion accessory on most winter days! But we love it here, it is the heart of CHI. We have had good and bad news here, we have laughed and cried in equal measure. Everyone is welcome, we love it when you visit and we can learn a little more about our supporters over a coffee. This is where the work of CHI is done; discussions and decisions about your donations are finalised.
We are aware that our premises is being sold and probably redeveloped. We were blessed that our former landlord charged us a generously low rent although he “didn’t do charity”! Nothing has changed yet, but we know that our days here in Hope House, Church Road are numbered. We are looking for new premises but space locally is very expensive so we are appealing to you all to ask about, put us in touch with kind, philanthropic landlords, bring us ideas, help us think outside the box if need be. Its not imminent or urgent but it is likely to happen sometime sooner than we had envisaged!
In the meantime please join us on Friday 5 July between 10am and 3pm for tea/coffee and doughnuts and a look around the place we love so much!
Thanks to our Patron, Helen Yousaf, we were able to host 2 phenomenally successful events recently; the Paint and Sip and the Concert. We thank Helen for her hard work and dedication to CHI , making these events both informative and enjoyable, and we thank all those who attended. Feedback has been very positive and we hope to run similar events again!