Knitting and crochet may be your hobby, a good way to pass a few spare hours, but did you know you could be saving a life? Across the country an army of knitters continually fill our warehouse with the most amazing array of lovingly knitted blankets and clothes.
Historically these items were sent on containers to Africa where, believe it or not, babies were dying of cold. Since we stopped sending containers, we have linked up with another Christian charity, Mission Without Borders, who ensure your wonderful items are delivered to those in need in Eastern Europe where temperatures fall well below zero.
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, your help is needed now more than ever. Please send any newly knitted items to our address below.
Dear Trish and Val,
I shall be sending you another parcel of knitted squares and 4 jumpers and hats, and a pair of gloves.
I can't tell you what knitting has done to some of our members. The lady who has knitted the jumpers is 92! It keeps me out of mischief" she said.
It has also helped those who have recently been widowed and they say it keeps them busy not just sitting and thinking. We now have a splitter group that meets up at a members house for a knit and natter.
So a big thank you for taking all our knitting - even if some of the squares are different sizes!