Christian Hope International is a christian charity partnering with churches in some of the world’s poorest countries to tackle poverty and share the redeeming love of Jesus. We seek to improve life chances through education and child sponsorship as well as helping communities get back on their feet with small sustainable projects.
"From my childhood when I was nothing but a little child you helped me both in my studies and my life at home with my family. You are really a blessing to me.”
Robert, Rwanda

"I have written this letter to extend my sincere gratitude to you my beloved sponsor and also thank you for choosing me as your daughter. I am so happy."
Shibah, Uganda

“It was such a joy at the local church where testimonies were given, we realised that God is making miracles and wonders in this church and we surely recognised His presence in the works that were done, with 14 people baptised that day.”
Pastor Philbert, Rwanda